Bandages and dressings

Bandages and dressingsBandages and dressingsandages and dressings

Sanitary professional

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Clinical device

Somos especialistas en material médico para profesionales sanitarios: vendas, jeringas, agujas, tubos, mascarillas, suturas... Todo lo necesario para clínicas y centros de salud.

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Chlorhexidine Brush Dispomedic Scrub C Plus 0.8% CLX

Chlorhexidine Brush Dispomedic Scrub C Plus 0.8% CLX

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Alcohol 96º 1000 ml 1Ud. YBK Kelsia


    Mascarilla Quirúrgica Tipo IIR Blanca 50 Ud. 3cps PP C/gomas...

    No disponible hasta nuevo aviso. Pueden encargarla para lista de espera. Disculpen las molestias.

    €9.95Regular price €13.50
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      Tubo Vacutainer® BD® 10ml 16x100mm para suero. Seco...

      ® Vacutainer® Serum

      silicone dry tube 10 ml 16x100 mm, Plastic, clot activator additive. Red cap 100 u

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      Cuticell® CLASSIC 100U 10x10cm paraffin-impregnated dressing. BSN®

      The paraffin-impregnated dressing. Cuticell® Classic is the economical solution when treating exudating wounds. The low-adherent dressing is made of open weave cotton gauze impreg- nated with soft paraffin – to facilitate dressing change and to support a. moist environment for the wound.

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      Marmolita® R 15 cm x 2.7 m 40 Ud high quality plaster of Paris...

      Marmolita® R high quality plaster of Paris bandage BSN® Without latex. Full packaging 20 2Ud containers. (40 Ud)

      You can benefit from an additional discount if you register as a Healthcare Professional

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      LEUKOPLAST S 5cm x 5m 1Ud Blanco Esparadrapo de tejido poroso. Con...

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        You can benefit from an additional discount if you register as a Healthcare Professional

        Get volume discounts by registering as a healthcare professional.

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        Hyabak® 0,15% Solución 10 ml ojo seco y lentes de contacto


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          DiSalud Integral Health Service.


          "DIFARZA SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to achieve a more competitive business fabric, and thanks to the commercial mission to Iran to develop commercial relations. From July 15 to 20, 2018. For this, he has had the support of the international promotion program of the Chamber of Commerce of Valencia. "

          A way to make Europe

          "DIFARZA S.L. has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund, whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which has launched an Internationalization Plan with the aim of improving its competitive position abroad in 2018. counted with the support of the XPANDE program of the Chamber of Commerce of Valencia ".



          "DIFARZA, SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them, and thanks to which a management solutions project has been developed. integral (ERP) and Management of stock and warehouse orders, for the improvement of competitiveness and productivity of the company 01/03/2019, for which it has had the support of the TIC Chambers program of the Chamber of Commerce of Valencia. "


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