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Preparación lecho de herida Cutimed®

WOUND CARE & VASCULAR>ADVANCED WOUND CARE>WOUND BED PREPARATION: Wound bed preparation is a concept that offers clinicians an approach to removing barriers to wound healing, such as necrotic tissue, slough, bacterial load, or a combination of these.

The Cutimed® range includes products that support the autolytic debridement, that bind and inactivate bacteria or help dissolve sloughy tissue.

Comply with the prescription and recommendations of your doctor.

Always seek the advice of a pharmacist or medical professional.

You will find them with the best professional advice and the best value for money in DiSalud Te Cuida in Valencia (Spain)

Preparación lecho de herida Cutimed®


There are 6 products.

Showing 1-6 of 6 item(s)

Cutimed® Gel 15g. 1U Amorphous hydrogel for the elimination of...

Cutimed® Gel is a clear, amorphous hydrogel for the treatment of necrotic and sloughy tissue in chronic wounds

  • On sale!

Dressing Gauze Cutimed® SORBACT® 7x9cm 5U. Bacterial uptake. BSN®

Bacterial uptake dressings Technology Sorbact ® BSN®.

  • On sale!

Cutimed® Gel 15g. Box 10U Amorphous hydrogel for the elimination of...

Cutimed® Gel is a clear, amorphous hydrogel for the treatment of necrotic and sloughy tissue in chronic wounds


    Cutimed® Gel 25g. Box 10U Amorphous hydrogel for the elimination of...

    Cutimed® Gel is a clear, amorphous hydrogel for the treatment of necrotic and sloughy tissue in chronic wounds
